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How Will Digital Staffing Re-Shape the Retail Industry?

Digital Staffing in Retail Industry

The ‘new normal’ we live in has hugely impacted the retail landscape and supply chain activities delivering essential consumer goods to bricks and mortar locations. Digital staffing has the power to re-shape multiple industries entirely.

With our lifestyle changes and the resulting consumptive habits using more everyday supplies, along with the pursuit of in-home activities to keep our family ‘bubble’ occupied, consumer buying has adapted and what we buy has changed! This represents a mammoth challenge affecting the retail sector along with ‘Tier 1 and 2’ industries in the supply chain.

Facilitating the delivery of our consumer goods at every level of the supply chain requires constant workforce planning and scheduling to ensure the stability of retail sales for thousands of businesses and millions of consumers.

Reliable labour to ensure the ‘final mile’ to the retail store level is a disproportionately high cost and responsibility to manage on a day-to-day basis.  Retailers must adapt and react quickly to labour fluctuation needs to meet their revenue forecasts.

How digital staffing transforms workforce planning:

Effectively managing workforce labour is a huge task.  Labour shortages can cripple businesses and result in both revenue losses in an increasingly competitive consumer market-place  causing cumulative lost market share resulting in vital lost operating profits.

Digital staffing solves a multitude of labour challenges, that to-date have not been addressed or eliminated in an efficient or cost-effective way since the inception of employment agencies:

  • ‘Vested’ Candidates who want your job – their ‘preferences’ are matched to your needs
  • Thorough screening/vetting offering consistent, objectively gathered candidate profiles
  • Pre-training and orientation assurance – on-line facilitation to mitigate health & safety operations
  • Local available and motivated candidates with reliable attendance to your facility
  • Job posting, direct ‘job offers’ and work assignment confirmations executed with mutually clear expectations increases placement success exponentially
  • Accurate & direct capture of payroll using ‘facial-recognition’ technology embedded timesheet sign in & out with simple, easy mobile apps for candidate accountability
  • Management labour cost tracking and reporting, timesheet ‘Approvers’ provides flexibility to manage and track critical operations
  • Leading-edge technology integration of AI machine learning and blockchain, cybersecurity enables an end-to-end process application; finally resolving the historic recruitment incompetency

“Is my workforce able to support increases in sales activities?”

Jombone’s digital platform integration delivers the tools required to manage your workforce planning and achieve your mission-critical, ‘final-mile’ retail activities that are vital to your business.


Jombone’s digital platform integration delivers the tools required to manage your workforce planning and achieve your mission-critical, ‘final-mile’ retail activities that are vital to your business.