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Putting Your Best Foot Forward as a Worker

Worker Excellence

When it comes to the do’s and don’t’s at the workplace, the list can go on-and-on. Perhaps you’ve been at the workplace and thought, ‘Is there something I can do better?’ Jombone covers the main points on what makes you a great worker, and what can compromise you as a worker.

Let’s dive in.

Traits Employers Like at the Workplace

The environment you work in determines your mood. From the people you work with, to the spirit you bring to the job, your experience is only as good as you can make it. Putting your best foot forward is essential and we can help you with what employers look for in a good worker:

1. Punctuality

Punctuality is key at the workplace. As a worker you have a duty to show up on time and provide the work you’re offering with full attention. Employers highly value a worker that can show up when they need them to. Punctuality demonstrates reliability and will increase the level of trust your employer has in you as worker.

2. Attention to detail

Employers love to see their workers paying attention to detail. This is what transforms you into a stand-out worker. When your employer gives you a task to complete, that attention to detail is apparent. Putting your best foot forward and completing something with attention to detail and maximum effort shows your coworkers and employers that you’re serious about your job and the output you produce.

3. Team spirit

Finding someone to work well on the team already in place can be a difficult task. To make sure you’re gelling with the team and improving your work relationships, having team spirit is essential. By showing up to work with a smile on your face and kind words in your pocket, the bonds you create at work will improve and strengthen over time.

4. Health & safety awareness

An employer will always admire a worker that follows safety rules and guidelines. This way, they don’t have to hassle anyone to remember to follow precautions set in place to protect you. Not only will this put you on your employer’s good side, you’ll be safer at work along with those around you.

From showing up with a smile to staying organized and demonstrating punctuality, there’s lot of things you can do to impress the crew you work with. On the other hand, there are some things you should avoid doing.

Traits Employers Don’t Like in the Workplace

1. Lack of communication

If there is ever a problem at work, or perhaps outside of work that is affecting your ability to complete tasks on site, the best way work around this is with communication. Rather than bottling an issue up and having it reflect poorly on your quality of work or integrity, communicating with your employer and coworkers can improve the situation at hand. By offering support or simply being aware of an issue, your work team can work with you to ensure that you are in the best state-of-mind.

Another plus side of displaying strong communication skills is that your employer doesn’t have to worry about you. They know that if you have an issue you’ll bring it up with them, eliminating the process of having to probe you for details. Communication is key.

2. Poor relationship skills

If you’re showing up to work and you aren’t getting along with your team, your work suffers. Employers look for candidates that demonstrate strong interpersonal relationship skills. Keeping conversation upbeat and work processes civil is extremely important when working in a team environment.

3. Tardiness

There’s a time when work starts, and showing up any time after that places a bad light on your reputation as a worker. Employers want to be sure that they can count on you, and by showing up late, you lower their levels of confidence. Tying it back to communication, if you communicate the reasons for showing up late, your employer will still trust you. It’s all about punctuality and communication skills.

4. Inability to follow instructions

Everyone loves an employee that takes initiative, but employers also love workers that can follow instructions accordingly. If you’re coming into a job and you can’t follow direction, then the work life is going to be difficult. Use your voice and provide suggestions, but make sure you can be just as great of a listener as you are a contributor.

Now that we’ve covered the traits employers like and dislike, you’re ready to put your best foot forward at the workplace. Our staffing platform can also help you stay organized, transforming you into the best worker you can be. With our all-in-one digital platform, you can organize your work life and find your next job with guaranteed success.


Now that we’ve covered the traits employers like and dislike, you’re ready to put your best foot forward at the workplace. Our staffing platform can also help you stay organized, transforming you into the best worker you can be. With our all-in-one digital platform, you can organize your work life and find your next job with guaranteed success.